
We all know how time can fly in the classroom. Planning for multiple activities can necessitate a strict adherence to the clock, but we don’t want our limited mental resources diverted away from our engagement with the students.

This week I started using TimeGlass (free; optional $2.99 premium upgrade) to keep my Expository Writing class on track and my head clear. What’s so special about this app vs. the built-in Apple timer? Automated interval timing.

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As I plan for class, I set up my timer with each of the activities. Then when I arrive for F block, I simply hit play, and I get an alert at each of the specified intervals dictating our next activity. No checking the clock every minute, no fiddling with timers in the middle of class, just a gentle nudge when it’s time to shift gears.

Have you used TimeGlass or other tools to help with classroom management?